#71: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Life Hacks for Busy Families with Laura Hernandez

Up to 70% of children in #fostercare have #fetalalcoholspetrumdisorder, which is a condition caused by exposure to alcohol in the womb and can lead to physical, behavioral, and cognitive impairments. FASD is often underdiagnosed and many children with #FASD may be classified under other diagnoses such as #ADHD or developmental delay. On this month's Episode Laura Hernandez informs us of the impact FASD and how we can be supporting to children experiencing #FASD. Laura is the founder of www.mamasystems.net. "It took me years to develop systems, and life hacks to keep our family running and organized. By developing these systems, it helped our family run smoothly, it reduced my daily workload, and my house became a place of peace... yes, even with ten kids! I want to help other Mamas do the same." Laura Hernandez Follow her on Instagram @fasdmama