Take a Moment

Saying Goodbye: Mindful activities for last sessions for mentors for program directors Jun 16, 2019
So we've built beautiful relationships between children and mentors, and now the program just ends? How do we say goodbye without creating yet another loss in a child's life?
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Why Can't I Ride? for mentors for parents for program directors May 02, 2019

That's right, there is no riding.

I am so immersed in the Stable Moments model that I often forget to mention it is all unmounted work.

It's understandable that parents assume their children will...

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Why Mentorship? for mentors for parents for program directors Jan 24, 2019
Many people look at the Stable Moments model and think that it must be the amazingly therapeutic nature of a horse that brings stability to the foster and adopted children in the program....
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For some, Holidays aren't Happy for mentors for parents for program directors Dec 18, 2018
I know... what a downer. We're all decking the stalls, and fa la la-ing and Rebecca has to come out with the sad truth.
One Christmas I worked hard to make the Holidays special for a...
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What's My Horse Saying? for mentors for program directors Oct 18, 2018
Nathan walked into the stable timidly, with his hands behind his back. His mentor greeted him and asked, "Are you excited to work with your horse today?" Nathan looked up sheepishly and gave the...
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Maybe I'm Not Cut Out for This for mentors for parents for program directors Sep 18, 2018
I felt shame today. I recently started a Master's program online and have been a bit overwhelmed trying to organize the different requirements of coursework and juggle assignments along with my...
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5 Ways to Ease School Transition for Children in Foster Care for parents Sep 01, 2017
Children in foster care have to manage more transitions than any child should have to. They often change homes, school districts, friends and everything they know. Heading back to school is an...
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Whoa....Slow Down for mentors for program directors Aug 05, 2017
When partnering children with horses, it is only natural that there is a high level of excitement. Because of this, we recognize the importance of taking our time to go through the safety lessons...
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Shame: The Crippling Beast for mentors for parents for program directors Oct 26, 2016
As James walked through the halls of his new school he searched for room 306. He was intimidated by the confidence the other students seemed to have as they bounced effortlessly down the halls in...
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Why Children and Horses Heal Together for mentors for parents for program directors Oct 09, 2015
The sun kissed my face and filled me with excitement. It was my first year in Georgia and never had I experienced a 70 degree mid-November day. I moved to Georgia in June of 2013 at the invitation...
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From Foster Child to Adoptive Parent Jul 02, 2015
One of the incredible things about becoming involved in Stable Moments is the amazing community you become a part of. The program is of course built for participants, but also for parents of...
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A Stable Pair for mentors for program directors Jan 02, 2015
In honor of the new year, we thought we'd start a new tradition. We couldn't exist without the support of our amazing volunteers. We want to say...
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